
Friday, March 22, 2019

Cultural diversity :: essays research papers fc

Many people are affected by cultural differences, but if one tries to break the barriers, the attempt is usually standard with open arms and graciously. I remember when preparing for my trip to Germany friends asked why I chose Germany. I responded with why not? Then I was confronted with reasoning analogous look what happened in World War II, you do not hit the sack their language, and my favorite, all t here(predicate) are is Nazi people over there. I looked at them for a second then replied with something to the affect that I adopt always had a fascination with World War II and especially Adolf Hitler and Germany. It is true that I do not know the language, but slope is becoming more and more a universally recognized language, and speckle it is true there are Nazi types of people there, Im sure there is an equal amount of hate right here in the United States. While this is interesting, it so far simply doesnt respond to the assignment, which is to respond to an essay from L anguage Awareness. You need to make pass away from the start what essay youre responding to.Not deterred by others comments, I set off for Germany in November of 2002. This was post 9/11 so I was a bit nervous. The first jaunt was from Cleveland to Toronto where I had my first encounter with traveling offside the United States. Toronto has many Moslem people. As I approached the security gate to get into the area where I was to board the plane, I noticed a Muslim man shout out in Arabic or some other Middle easterly language to someone across the security gate. By yelling, I fee-tail angrily and forcibly. Being that this was my first international trip and only my second airplane ride in my life, I was already nervous to perplex with. Add the fact that it was post 9/11, I was nervous as hell. I thought to myself, Did World War III break out in the hour that I was in the air to Toronto? Then I realized that just maybe the person was upset about having to undo his belt or somet hing trying to get through the gate. I set down safe and sound in Frankfurt which has the largest airport in at least Europe. This is where I had my first cultural shock. I knew I had little than

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