
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Ashoka and the spread of buddhism

The reign of King Ashoka is one of the principal contributing factors in the spread of Buddhism from India to the rest of Asia and subsequent world.Although Buddhism was characteristically a missionary religion from its inception1, it was the through the royal condescension and efforts of King Ashoka the Buddhism really crossed Indian frontiers.It is generally agreed that Ashoka converted to Buddhism in the fourth social class after his coronation in 268 BC2. It was preceded by a period of violent wars and years of bloodshed that in the end transformed Ashoka and illuminated him towards the ideals of peace and co-existence of Buddhism.Ashoka, at the time of his transformation, was ruling the largest Indian empire that was matched only by British Rule almost 2000 years later on3. The absolute control over this vast territorial dominion by a Buddhist King was instrumental in the rapid growth of the religion.Ashoka took many move in encouraging the spread of Buddhism, through direc t patronage to sending missions and ambassadors to other countries. He direct missions to courts and rulers of Near East and Macedonia and to countries of South East Asia4 .Each mission was headed by an elder who went with five monks to preach the tenets and philosophical system of Buddhism5. The commitment of the Emperor was evident by the fact that he ordered his own son Mahindra and girlfriend Sanghmitra to head separate Buddhist Missions in South-East Asia, especially modern day Sri Lanka.The prestige and hold that Ashoka commanded played a large part in successful acceptance of his missions and conversion of people to Buddhism6.1 Damien Keown, Buddhism A Very nobble Introduction. Oxford University Press. 1996. 70 2 Ananda W.P.Guruge Emperor Asoka and Buddhism. http//www.buddhanet.net/pdf_file/king_asoka.pdf. accessed 11.1.2006. 3 Damien Keown, Buddhism A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. 1996. 704 Damien Keown, Buddhism A Very Short Introduction. Oxford Uni versity Press. 1996. 705 Richard Gombrich Asoka The great Upasaka. http//www.buddhanet.net/pdf_file/king_asoka.pdf. accessed 11.1.2006 6 John C. Powers. Buddhism, An Introduction. http//www.anu.edu.au/asianstudies/buddhism/spread.html accessed. 11.1.2006.

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